We didn't get here alone. Among others, Ride with Respect thanks the following individuals and organizations for supporting our cause:
State of Utah, divisions of (1) Parks & Recreation, (2) School & Institutional Trust Lands, and (3) Forestry, Fire & State Lands - for allocating $55,000 worth of OHV-registration and fuel-tax revenue to on-the-ground projects at Sovereign Trail, La Sal State Forest, Kane Creek, Behind The Rocks, and beyond.
Grand County Recreation Special Services District #1 - for allocating $45,000 worth of mineral-lease revenue to responsible recreation.
RwR members - whether pledging $20 or $20,000, each one has worked within his or her means to make a positive difference.
RwR trail crew members Dave Cozzens, Jeff Fink, Terry Flynn, Mark Howe, Clif Koontz, Dale Parriott, Larry Schwarck, and many more volunteers - for choosing to spend their free time in 100-degree heat with shovels, pry bars, and scorpions to construct Sovereign Trail.
Yamaha - for contributing over $6,000 in donation boxes, a trail-use monitoring program, educational brochures, and decals.
WabiSabi - for contributing $500 toward a plaque on Contributors Trail.
Brian Stone - for designing this web site.
Grand County's Trail Mix committee & Moab Trails Alliance - for pitching in with trail maintenance.
Doug White, GIS Specialist for the BLM Moab Field Office - for mapping-software support.
Troop 803, Grand District, Boy Scouts of America - for helping construct/ place trailhead signs and delineate staging areas of Sovereign Trail.
Rick's Glass company (Moab, UT) - for donating Plexiglas to cover the text on a dozen signs.